Original Artwork, Prints & Functional Art Sales
- Original artwork, created by hannah, is for sale in various mediums.
- Quality copies of paintings are also for sale.
- Hannah creates prophetic works of art and accepts commissions.
- Viewing of available artwork at our studio gallery in Alberton can be arranged by appointment.
- Prices displayed exclude shipping costs.
- We offer an ever-growing range of functional art pieces.
- We are open to creating custom-made works to your specification.

Art Mentoring for Kids
- A bespoke art class for children 8 – 17 years old.
- Six students per class.
- Class times are 14:15 – 15:45 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
- We are closed in August and during the December/January public school holidays.
- Financially this is a 12-month commitment.
- Make-up lessons for classes are permitted as long as it is booked with the teacher before the class commences.

Arty Events
- Themed Art Parties for all occasions.
- Worship Through Art making events.
- Art classes and workshops for adults
- These are facilitated by Hannah as well as visiting artists and product specialists.
- 1 Free informal assessment lesson is offered to all interested students before joining for the year.